Welcome to the Adalberto & Ana Guerrero Student Center!

Welcome! Bienvenides!

The Adalberto and Ana Guerrero Student Center is one of 7 cultural resource centers at the University of Arizona. The Adalberto & Ana Guerrero Student Center came into existence as a result of student activism and has served many generations of Latinx/e students at the University of Arizona. Today, the center continues to support Latinx/e students achieve academic and personal excellence by cultivating and fostering a sense of belonging on campus. Our resources and events are completely free and open to all students!

The Adalberto and Ana Guerrero Student Center Mission:

Our mission is to support students to achieve academic and personal excellence by shaping a safe and inclusive campus environment through culturally affirming programs and events that cultivate a sense of belonging, build community, encourage critical reflection, and develop students as learners, leaders, and professionals.

Nuestra misión es apoyar a los estudiantes a lograr excelencia académica y personal; formando un recinto universitario que sea seguro e inclusivo  a través de programas y eventos que afirman y cultivan nuestra cultura, apoyan un sentido de pertenencia, creando una comunidad que fomenta la reflexión crítica y el desarrollo de los estudiantes como  líderes, y profesionales.