The Alberto & Anna Guerrero Student Center encourages involvement from students, faculty, administration and concerned citizens in the University community. There are many ways to get involved, to learn more, click on the appropriate link below.
Guerrero Student Center Abuelitas and Abuelitos meet with students during our monthly AROMAS program. AROMAS stands for Abuelitas (os) Reaching Out to Mentor and Apapachar Students. The monthly meetings are informal and include food and discussion topics chosen by the abuelitas and abuelitos. Students can ask to be assigned to an abuelita or abuelito mentor.
If you are interested in volunteering and becoming an AROMAS abuelita or abuelito please call (520) 621-5627 or contact Dominque Calza at
The Guerrero Student Center welcomes and encourages questions, suggestions and involvement. If you have a connection to a certain speaker, know of a social justice issue of particular concern or want to make a general inquiry then please contact us at (520) 621-5627 or email Dominque Calza at
Everyone is welcome to come to the events and speakers hosted by the Center. There are no charges to attend Guerrero Student Center events. Please join our listserv or check out our calendar to learn about upcoming events.